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Shalom Annual Youth Camp is the Climax of our youth activities, held in December, this four days event is the most attended youth activity in the project.

Camp 2013 Talent time

Camp 2013 Talent time

Music is a language of the spirit

Music is a language of the spirit

Community Service,

Community Service,

painting the Headmasters office at Bubango primary school

Plenary sessions at Camp 2013

Plenary sessions at Camp 2013

Small groups discusion

Small groups discusion

Tree Planting

Tree Planting

Topista Leading

Topista Leading

Derrick Wandera our University link

Derrick Wandera our University link

Computer Skiils during camp

Computer Skiils during camp

In January 2014, managed to start a sports a accademy and we started with football, with the help of Jan Kristian who donated T-shirts for the team, 

we have also introduced netball and volleyball.


we are trusting God for more material and trainer to help these kids develop their sports potentials.


we also seek to get a fultime coarch for the football team since Derrick is now back to school, any volunteers are very welcome.


 Copyright . Shalom Namutere Project

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